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Delivery stories:

"hey, this is going to take too long, at least 15 mins, can I get another task in the meantime?"

"I m taking it off, and it's not 15 mins, it is11, the system says so"

And here you stop, cause that answer is so wrong in so many layers, it makes you feel small, and "corrected" and for what? and more importantly... by who?

So let's break it down, such a small sentence with such heavy meaning.

a) he insinuates you lie. Yes, because you are 10 years old.

b) you are left with no choice but to defend and explain yourself ( the waiter said 15 minutes and the place was packed with people, I don't care what the system writes, we are coworkers, you are not a parent or a supervisor)

c) and most importantly why are you bringing it up? trying to prove what? That you know better? How much of a pencil dick must you be to feel the need to scold grown-ups on a daily basis? How much do you starve of power?

I shut up and almost had an accident. This was not the first time this guy treated people and me that way, and he is the main reason everyone avoids to call support.

But one of these days....

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