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A woman in this city

Life stories of everyday madness

Latest Episode

 I don't know what I have become yet.

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   The Blog

This is a Greek blog, written after a painful divorce. It describes the adventures of a new mom, discovering the world for the first time, knocked off from her naive original seating of young and pretty thing, in a very archaic, chauvinistic and patriarchical society. Her cries, her shock, her anger, her fights to create a spot in the place she called home, and her rights to be an equal status citizen, paid equally and respected.

The blog was ranked third in the year 2006 nationwide and launched her career as a columnist, the original Carrie before Carrie, in a way. Which was perfect since she had no help raising her child and she could be a stay at home mom.  The blog became a book

that can be found Here.





Blogger and protagonist

Standing in the Rain

Wanker magnet

Concept artist

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